BACKProfile Selection.
These probably arent gonna be formatted the same as eachother
When I look at her she reminds me of a barn, strangely she is supposed to be a city girl.
Name orgins: I was making a playlist on spotify and i like making up words that sound cool; The songs were kinda edgy and thought "this is really,Fucking Emo", so i liked how that sounded and mashed the two words together; Then i made Fukiemo. Actually, later i looked up what fukiemo ment (incase it ment something bad) and Fukimo came up so i decided that should be her,"real world name"
Shes a girls girl, the type to be protective and making sure your comfortable and safe, much like an older sister, or a girl best friend.
She likes
Originally, i wanted to make a very stereotypical teenage girl, loves going to the mall, always a need for starbucks,unnecessarily loud while talking on the phone and in general,overusing words like "OMG" or "LOL", bleached blonde hair, unintentionally selfish, and kinda stupid. There wasnt a particular reason other then i was bored of using the same 3 characters and no diversity in personaliies.